Sunday, December 13, 2009

Games Like Action All Star Poptropica Global Star 100 Action Arcade Games. Vol1. Trying To Remember...?

Global Star 100 Action Arcade Games. Vol1. Trying to remember...? - games like action all star poptropica

When I was young ... I have a compilation CD titled Global Star Software 100 Action Arcade Games. There were games like Stars! And Star hammer and Hocus Pocus and highways in the sky. It was a game that I loved. You were a spaceship. You should choose a breed, and you must choose a ship. You go around colonizing planets, anti-1 2 or 3 opponents in the 4 quadrants) (in the room. You can, such as lasers and rockets to fire nuclear bombs, plague, Shields received, including the rejection of the room. I do not know the name! I've lost the CD and I will try to find the game. It was at the end of the list in alphabetical order. I * think * I started with an S everywhere for the CD and online for the name of the game. but no dice.


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